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Thursday, September 26, 2013

10R, It's Your Turn! Let's Talk about IR….

First assignment of the year...tell me about what you're reading.  Tell us something memorable, insightful, meaningful.  You pick.  Just INTEREST us.  Ok? This is due Monday, Sept. 30th.
I can check your posts from online, so please make sure that you've accepted the invitation to the Wiki.  If that's giving you trouble you can google: openyourmind235.  The link for my blog, Read235, will appear.  Click on that. If you don't already have a gmail account, you will have to make one.  It would be helpful to sign up for the Wikispace page first because you have to make an account in order to get on to the page…you'd be killing two birds with one stone, so the expression goes….

Here's an example that I used with my 10H class. Check out some of their responses…notice all of the details.  What does mine have?  (Hint: We talked about this rhetorical device in class today) … that's right…the rhetorical question.  You may try that out in your writing, too, if you think it appropriate.

Oh, BTW, in order to make a title italicized you type before the first word in the title and after it.  For example, The Huger Games .  It will look like this after you post: The Hunger Games. AND, please click "preview" before you publish.  "Preview" means proofread.  Remember, your comments go out into the world and you want to put your best blog post forward, so to speak….  If you publish something you'd like to remove, you may delete it.  After you publish, though, you can't go back in an edit the post.  That's why you have to preview it and proofread first.

So, here's my response:

I was thinking about The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, considering Henrietta's children's difficulties possibly stemming from the too-close to home shared gene pool.  Was Deborah bi-polar?  Skloot said that Henrietta's eldest daughter had been diagnosed as clinically depressed among other health conditions.  And, then, what about Day's sister who was sent away because of her "idiocy"? Then, their brother who had severe problems with rage....  How much of their mental and emotional challenges were due to their too-close-for-comfort genes?  Anyway, just a thought.

What are yours?

Post by Monday, September 30th.  Thanks!


  1. Hi Mrs. Drance,

    I am currently ready Divergent,(sorry I don't know how to underline the title) by Veronica Roth. It is a very suspenceful read, even though the begining is kind of a drag. Anyways, the protagonist's name is Beatrice. She is born under the faction of Abnegation, which means selflessness. Furthermore, a faction is the type of personality you are born under, the type of lifestyle you have. There are other factions as well, such as Candor, which values honesty. Also there is the Dauntless faction, which values in danger and risk-taking adventures.

    Beatrice is a 16-year-old girl, which means she has to attend "the choosing ceremony." The choosing ceremony is when kids from each faction of the age of 16 come and choose a faction that they will live by for the rest of there lives. Moreover, Beatrice chooses the Dauntless faction. This is all I've read so far, I can't wait to fine out what happens next.

    1. Megan, you did a good job of describing the factions. That Beatrice chose "Dauntless" only can make for success.
      I can't wait to hear what adventures are in store for her! Oh, the next time you post, please preview (copy first so that you don't lose your post to cyberspace) in order to catch any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Ok, you're on your way. Next time, more details...I'm curious!

  2. Hi mrs drance. I am reading the Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. I am enjoying this book and i have around 30 pages left. I am curious to see how the end of the book turns out because i am in a suspensful moment that will determine the fate of the world. I hope the worl doesnt end bc that would really stink. I will be begining the second book in the series, The Son Of Neptune, within the next few days. I think i will enjoy the rest of the seiries because i enjoyed the first book.

    1. Quinn, my apologies for not responding sooner. I am glad to see that you are wrapped-up in a suspenseful moment and that you are reading the series. Whip through it! We need to find more challenging material for you; if you get stuck, see the classroom library. Also, copy your work before you preview it so that you won't loose it; then, preview it and edit to catch basic GUMS (grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling) errors. Thanks!

  3. Hello fellow class mates and Mrs. Drance,

    I am reading The House of the Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer. I chose this book because plenty of my friends recommended it to me. i find this book very strange. A young man finds out that he is a clone and he struggles to learn what this means. A clone was harvested by DNA named Matteo Alacran. Matteo lives in an isolated house int he middle of a poppy feild. I dislike this book and do not want to continue to read this book.

    I am going to start to read the Hunger Games. I watched the movie and it was really good and i really enjoyed it.I want to give the book a try even though people say you should have read the book first but. I hope i enjoy the book as much as the movie.

  4. Hi Mrs. Drance,

    I was recently introduced to the book "Season Of Life" by Jeffrey Marx by Mrs. Drance. The book is a very good book with a bunch of values that you can take from and use in the real world. It seems like its just about football but when you get into the story it has a twist. The author wrote the book to give readers a better understanding of Coach Joe Erhmann. An interesting thing with the book is that you get brought into the locker room with the football team with all the detail added, from the point of view from Jeffrey. He can connect to the facts because he was actually a ball boy for the NFL team; The colts. When you get further into the book, the way the book is written you feel the emotions going through the author whenever his dad is brought up in a conversation. It makes your feelings change once you figure out there are coaches at a high level that actually respect the game of football for what it is, and not for the huge paychecks they receive.You can from the book in words of Jeffrey that "living a life of service to others are more important than points on a scoreboard." Overall this book is a good read if you enjoy football and the different forms it can be played by. If you are not a fan of football, I would still suggest you read this book because you can translate the way coaching is taught can be moved from football to anything and lets you still take from the book that the things that separate men from boys is the way that they accepting responsibility,emphasize relationships, to lead courageously, and having a cause bigger than yourself.

    1. Hunter, this was a very thoughtful response for a variety of different reasons. First, you put yourself in the protagonist's shoes and experience the story as it were actually happening to you. This immediacy seems to have taught you an important lesson, which is that there are coaches who really do care about the craft of the game. Also, you gave sound advice when you suggested to those who don't even like football that they can insight into coaching by observing how football coaches work. Well done first time out of the gate.

  5. Hey I’m reading Silence of The Lambs by Thomas Harris. This book isn't for everyone because it's really gross sometimes, but I like it because it keeps me interested. The main character, Clarice Starling, has taken the risk of following the orders of his boss. Clarice faces a terrifying serial killer (Hannibal Lector), in hopes of finding help in the chase to find another sick serial killer called "Buffalo Bill". Buffalo Bill is known for Kansas City homicides, as a nickname because he "skins his humps". Sounds pretty disgusting, but along with the investigation you also learn the Psychology of a serial killer. As the book goes on, Hannibal begins to mess with Clarice's head, by brining up her tragic past. I like these types of books because although they may be gruesome at times, the plotline keeps you interested, which seems to be my main problem as a reader.

    1. Good for you that you found a book that has captured your interest. To be frank, I only saw the movie...it had me SCARED TO DEATH. What I want to know is how does Hannibal find out about Clarice's past? I had forgotten that. What would be cool is that after you read the book to check out the movie to see which scenes the director chose to edit to keep the movie to a reasonable length. Also, did these edits hurt the story. Yeah, it's gross, but sometime just enough gross keeps us hooked. Keep it up. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Mrs.Drance,

    Well as you see, I am pretty late with this because I wasn't so sure how to do this till you discussed how to earlier today. Anyway moving on, I just finished reading Secret Life Of Bees. To be honest, I liked it very much. I thought it was WAY better than the movie actually. Since I already saw the movie, I pictured the characters in my head and the setting as well. This book takes place in the 1960's in South Carolina. Basically the whole book is pretty much involved with segregation and discrimination, but there's an interesting story behind it all.

    Lily was just a young american teen who lived with her abusive father and an African-American maid. Now I know this may sound confusing because as I said before, this book is about segregation and discrimination. Yes, they did seperate and treated african-americans badly, they also kept them in their home for assistant and had them take care of their kids. Lilly was very close with Rosaleen. ( Her Maid ) In fact, Rosaleen raised her since she was a littler girl. Lilly later on in the book, wanted to escape from the horror she'd come to everyday after school. She couldn't take all the violence that kept throwing her down to the ground. Her father was an alcoholic, and when Lilly was very young, she watched her father beat her mother. Lilly does not have a mother anymore. When Lilly was younger as she watched her father beat her mother, she grabbed a gun that she found on the floor and shot her mother when she really meant to shoot her abusive father.

    After all of the terrible things she has seen and been through, she decided to run away with Rosaleen. On the journey, she passed a pink bright house, which she later found out belonged to the makers of honey. In that house, the sisters AKA the BoatWright sisters opened the door for Rosaleen & Lilly. Lily made up a story about being an orphan. Finally, Lily and Rosaleen were invited to stay with the sisters, as long as they helped with making the honey. Lilly & Rosaleen soon had a new future in front of them & a new place to be in.

    This book has taught me what it was like to be in the 1960's. It was very dangerous and cruel. Judging human beings just by their color when they don't even realize they're just like them. Nobody is perfect. We shouldn't think everyone revolves around one person,race,or culture. It also makes me realize how strong african-americans are, emotionally and physically. Just thinking about how hard they got thrown and how hard it must've been to get back up, but no matter what they always kept their chin up and were always proud of being who they were. These kind of stories have such a huge impact on us. The author is trying to tell us we are all the same, no matter what color,race,religion,or culture. We may have different beliefs but we are all one.

    1. Katherine, when you put your mind to reading a book and talking about it, there's no stopping you. I'm glad you were able to figure out how to post. Ok, so good for you about the movie/book comparison. Interesting how the movie helped you read the book; however, what parts of the book were better than the movie? I enjoyed the movie, but I usually read the book first and found that I enjoyed the book better than the movie. Why? Because I made up the people in my mind...my cast list was different. The house looked different, so did the wall, or the setting around it, but my imagination and what was actually filmed was pretty close. Lastly, you did a great job uncovering the author's purpose: we are all colorless, or should be. We are one. Good job. And about your observations, too. Next time, write more about what you think than plot summary. You're off to a good start!

  8. Hi Mrs. Drance,
    As of right now, I am reading That Summer by Sarah Dessen, Sarah Dessen's books always seem to keep me interested. I feel like I can always make a connection to all the books she writes. Everyone has recommended me to read her books.
    Haven, the main character of the book, is insecure about her height and the way she looks. Haven is a 15 year old girl, she is almost 6 feet tall. Haven is having trouble excepting the fact that her dad is getting remarried and that her sister is also getting married to someone different. Haven wishes things would go back to the way they used to be. She soon realizes that life goes on and although things may never be the same it doesn't mean they will never get better. Haven would rather live in the past when things were just perfect then deal with all the troubles she is having now. She doesn't like to talk about her problems with anyone, she just keeps all her feeling locked up inside her. Haven shows a lot of love to the people she cares about.
    Not only did this book keep my interest it also taught me life lessons. It taught me that you have to let go and move on or you will never be happy and that life goes on. There were some things that I didn't like about the book, like when Haven had a break down at the end of the book, it was out of nowhere. But otherwise, I thought this was a great book! I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading Sarah Dessen's books.

  9. Hi Mrs. Drance,
    I am reading Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Many of my friends have recommended this book for me and so far, I’m really enjoying it. I am about half way through the novel and so far the main character, Clay Jensen who is morning over the late Hannah Baker’s suicide, has received a set of tapes from her, which he is to listen to. These tapes are passed through thirteen people where Hannah describes to them how each person unknowingly influenced her. I find the plot very interesting, even though I still haven’t developed an opinion of whether or not I think it was wrong of her to leave behind these tapes. I think the suspense of wanting to know what the ending might leave me feeling is keeping me very interested in this book!

    1. Wasn't Asher so clever in how he structured his plot? I mean, come on, of course you want to keep with it until we get to the unlucky number, 13. I LOVED this book, too. I mean, very sad, but just so interesting to see how the story unfolds. As you read, think about why the author is writing this book. Get back to us. I think I have one or two copies of this book in the classroom library in case anyone is interested in reading it. Also, Katherine, didn't you read this book? What do you think?

  10. Lexi, I appreciate that you were able to mention what you liked AND didn't like about the book. But, moreso, why you didn't like the ending. AND, that you picked up an important lesson about moving on.
    Haven reminds me of the protagonist in Dreamland. What similarities can you draw between these two girls? Also, would you read another book by Sarah Dessen or try someone new? Good to see you up on the blog. :)

  11. Ok, everyone else. Where are you? You need to post. BTW, progress reports are going out next week....

  12. Hi Mrs Drance!
    I am just starting the second book Catching Fire in The Hunger Games series written by Suzanne Collins. In the first book, The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen lives in a poor district where she lives off of barely enough money to support her family. Notice how i said support. She is about our age and she is supporting her family over her mother. Anyways, on the day of the reaping (The day they choose who plays in the Hunger Games), Prim, Katniss's little sister, got chosen out of many many people to serve in the annual Hunger Games. Horrified, Katniss volunteers as tribute.

    Katniss was amazing with shooting bow and arrows, and after shooting an arrow in an apple inside a pigs mouth during training, everyone was impressed. I should probably mention something about Peeta Mellark, the male tribute for the district. He was a boy who worked in his family's bakery and appeared to have a crush on Katniss. They had won over many sponsors after their fiery entrance in the parade. The games started, and Katniss had hidden in trees for days. Day by day, people were killed, but she survived by staying out of action.

    She made an alliance with a young girl named Rue, but after she was killed, she was in search of Peeta. Finding him hurt, she sacrificed her life for him by finding medicine. Waiting for everyone to kill eachother out, Peeta and Katniss hid in a cave for days. Finally, they were forced to the middle of the Cornucopia where they found out two players from the same district could win. They had won the Hunger Games after a big fight, and became legendary for the love they shared for eachother. A poor district was about to become one of the richest districts that everyone would want to live in!

    Now I am just beginning Catching Fire, so I am not sure how this book plays out! I will keep you all updated!!

  13. Hi, Rebecca. You do a good job summarizing the book. I loved The Hunger Games just as much as you did. I really hear your enthusiasm which is great! What I want you do in the future, though is not to write so much about the plot of the book. We need to hear what you think about it. For instance, what do you think of Peeta and Katniss's relationship? When you told me about how you thought that Katniss taking care of her family instead of her mom…well, that's more like it. But, we need more of that. What did you think of Katniss's ability to stay alive? What does this ability represent? What do you think the ending of book symbolizes? What do you predict for the next book? You see what I mean? Good effort, Becs. Keep it up.

  14. Hello Mrs.Drance,
    I am not currently reading anything at the moment...but I will tell you about the last book that I read. The book that I last read was Call of the Wild by Jack London. Call of the Wild is about a half sheepdog and half St. Bernard who was stolen from his owner by a gardener and sold to dog traders. Buck learns to obey the dog traders by being beaten with a club and is eventually shipped to north Klondike. Jack London is a great author and I can learn a lot from him. My next book will probably be one of Stephen Kings books. I haven't read any of them yet but I do like horror movies and Stephen Kings book, It, sounds pretty good. I read the first couple pages of the book that you suggested to me a couple days ago but I don't think that's the right book for me. Ill keep looking, see you 7th period tomorrow.
    -Hunter Casey

    1. Hi, Hunter. Glad to see you up on the blog. What did you specifically learn from The Call of the Wild ? I agree...Jack London is great. Why do you think so? Give us all the reasons so we see YOUR thinking and not just plot summary. So glad you know what's right for you and what's not. Do yourself a favor and swap-out what you don't like more quickly so that you're not losing any time. We're already in October and some people have their third book lined up. Let me know how It goes...if you're sticking with it.

  15. hi mrs Drance,
    As of now im reading Jack and Jill by James Patterson. as far as i read its about three murderers, and two detectives named Alex Cross and "Sampson". the way the writer uses descriptive and colorful language does a good job at painting a picture in the readers mind. He also uses words like "suspended and philosophical" to give the reader a better understanding of the characters emotions and perspectives.

    1. Scott, great attention to diction. Can you share some of the images that "paints the picture in the readers' minds"? Also, tell me why the author uses these words...connect them to characterization...I mean, you already started to, so give us examples so we can understand what you're experiencing. This is a start. :)

  16. Hi Mrs.Drance

    I can't say I am actually interested in the novel I'm currently reading. I think I will be switching. A Time To Kill is the name of the book. I kind of been just reading aimlessly and not really paying attention to what the book was actually saying.

    - Ksean Reid

    1. Ok, K'Sean. Have you given it enough time? What page are you on? Also, Hunter, I should have mentioned this to you, but 50 pages is a good try before abandoning your book. If you know you don't like it right away, meaning when you're selecting books, then abandon it right away during the choosing process. We're in October and we need you up and rolling. You will be assessed on your independent reading all year. So, let's get you a good book tomorrow after you sign-in this one.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hey Mrs Drance
    I'm currently not reading a book anymore the last book I read was The measure of a man by Sidney Poitier.I honesty thought it was a very graphical and interesting book.I will admit I do not like the book because its not my taste and not my favorite genre, but I do have a on deck book I will read "IT' by Stephen king. I like books like that and I find intrest in those books. But I'm done see yaaa laterr

  19. Marquis, I'm a bit confused. The Measure of a Man interested you or didn't? Do you mean that it was filled with imagery? It may not be the right book for you right now. We'll talk and we'll find something today. Also, you need to give a book about a 50 page try, and if you are not reading anything, please see me right away so that I may help you.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey how is it going guys? Im really sorry for doing this so late but i had a lot of problems trying to post in the blog.
    Well im actually currently reading The Hunger Games, i saw the movie this summer and i loved it so i wanted to read the book because usually they give you a lot more details. Well this novel by Suzanne Collins tells a story about a girl named Katniss Everdeen that lives with her mother and her little sister, Prim. Her father died in a mine explosion years earlier. Their living in a future nation called Panem and the Capitol rules 12 surrounding districts.Because those districts rebelled, each have to send one guy and girl from each district to compete against each other. And the only way to be the winner , is to survive.So her sister is the chosen one from her discrict but Katniss chooses to take her place and compete in The Hunger Games. I really recommend this book to everyone and yea thanks for reading. Abel Louro

    1. Abel, I really liked the movie, and I loved the book. Right now your response does not show me any evidence that you've read the book. Please support your claim, "[I] wanted to read the book because usually [it] gives you [many] more details." We need to read the details that are missing from the movie; what you've written is plot summary.

  22. The book I am currently reading is called Middle School by James Pattenson. The main characters name is Rafe. Rafe and his best friend decide that they are gonna break EVERY rul in the school's student handbook. They make up a chart its kind of like a point system. The rules are that if RAfe does not complete a task points will be deducted and if he completes an task he will be rewarded points. The amount of points depends on hat the task is. Suprisingly he does not get caught, from the fire alarm to all sorts of things. Rafe is the one to pull off the tricks while Devin (his best friend) just basically manages. For anyone who likes funny/fiction books i suggest you read this book. Bianca Bryant

  23. Bianca, this is a good plot summary. To "stretch out" your writing, I'd like for you to post again, this time, write about a specific rule-breaking incident that was particularly hilarious. Make us laugh. Thanks.

  24. We still need to hear from Chandler, Ryan, Emma, and Destinee...it's a 20 point quiz grade.

  25. Erica, you're missing, too....

  26. Im sorry this is so late, I had alot problems signing in and not posting, but hopefully this works. The book I am currently reading is Deep Zone by Tim Green. Its a football novel, and the two main characters are Ty and his brother Thane. They lost there parents in a car accident, and as time went on they were involved in a mob gambling scheme. But when everything setteled down Ty was getting back on track with his school work, and Thane was impressing his fans playing in the NFL. Thane has some bad luck shortly after he settels down from the mob scheme. He is fearing a fatal knee injury which could possibly end his career in the NFL. Ty on the other hand stays in the mob and doesnt care about anything. It's a shame because he has a lot of talent like his older brother in football. There uncle is on trial testifying the FBI about the mob and Ty is a person who is one of the main people there targeting. I reccomend this book to people who like sports novels, people who like action and a fast pace book. Its a type of book that you never want to put down and cant predict what will happen next.

  27. Hi Mrs. Drance.
    I am currently reading Celia the Dark. Honestly I picked it up as a filler book until I found a new reading book/backup book, and I didn't expect it to be good. To my surprise, it was pretty good.
    This girl named Celia who was kinda bullied by these girls named Sandy and Mandy. Celia turned "dark" in 8th grade. (She's in 9th now)
    Celia plans revenge for Sandy after what she did to her in 8th grade.
    Basically what happened was that Sandy made a book and passed it around to pretty much everyone asking what Celia should change about herself or what they don't like, as an extremely cruel joke.
    But her nightmare ends temporarily when the new kid Drake moves to Hershey, (Where they live)
    Drake quickly befriends Celia and together they make the perfect couple.
    Drake has a secret though, he's gay. Of course, Celia was a little crushed by this considering how cute he was, but
    her and Drake still stay joined at the hip.
    Celia continues to plan her revenge for Sandy as I continue to keep reading it.

  28. I am currently reading I Am Number Four. It is about an extraterrestrial on Earth who left his planet,Lorien, at a young age. Him and nine others left with their guardians because their species is being hunted by the Mogadarians. He doesn't have a real name,besides four, he changes because him and his guardian keep running to keep away from the Mogadarians. To kill his species they have to kill them in order and now one,two,and three are dead so four is next. Right now he is John Smith and he lives with Henri Smith,his guardian,as his dad.They live in a quaint Ohio town, and John just wants to fit in as a normal high school kid. It is difficult to do this because he cant really make any contact because he cant draw any attention to him. The first day of school he gets into an argument with a bully and makes an enemy. During that his hands start glowing and turning extremely hot. He discovers a power of his. Thats all i got

    1. Coleman, your book sounds really suspenseful! I betcha they're will be a lot of twists and turns and future "attention-drawing" incidents to create even more suspense. I'm happy to see that you're in a book...keep on reading...make sure to be consistent with your schedule so that you don't lose interest. Also, instead of "him and nine others," the correct way to write this is by using the subjective pronoun "he" as in "he and nine others." Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

  29. Hello Mrs. Drance,
    (sorry that my response took so long due to some difficulties, i hope it is worth the wait.)
    I am currently reading Divergent, (sorry I could not underline it.) by Veronica Roth. I find this book to have a very in-depth plot, it contains suspense. However, it can also be confusing at times; for instance, this book takes place in the future. There are also multiple factions, which are groups of people categorized by there special traits and qualities. These factions are the Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless, and lastly the Amity. The main character Beatrice was born into the Abnegations, who are the selfless. I recently read that Beatrice has to choose what faction to be apart for the rest of her life. This is a normal thing for everyone to do at the age of 16, nonetheless it is not normal that Beatrice contains more than one factions quality inside her. this is rare so she is not allowed to tell anyone. I am left with many un answered questions: which faction will she choose? Is it possible to be apart of more then one faction? Will she make it possible?
    In conclusion, i am thoroughly enjoying what i have read up to this point. This book is similar to The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, in some ways. The Hunger Games is one of my favorite books, which is why I think I am so delighted to be engaged in this magnificent read. I can not wait to find out what happens!
    Chandler McMillan

  30. Also I noticed that indentations were an issue. There is supposed to be one at, I am currently..., and In conclusion... The I is also supposed to be capitalized in the first sentence.

    1. Chandler, I really appreciate how you spent time to think reflectively about your book and share your thoughts with us. Good use of the rhetorical question!. I'm so happy that you persevered and were able to post...good for you. I will show you how to italicize the titles in class. Also, once previewing works for you...make sure to copy your response before previewing or editing it...you'll be able to catch and correct certain errors.

      I agree with you, Divergent sounds very much like The Hunger Games . Do you think that Beatrice is as tough and clever as Katniss?

  31. Hi Mrs. Drance
    Sorry my response took so long to post due to some technical problems. i was not reading a book for the past few days until last night when i started "The Fault in Our Stars". I enjoyed the first chapter but i am not far enough into the book to be able to discuss it with you. In my next post i will discuss my book hoping i will far enugh into it.

    1. Ok, Erica. Please post again tomorrow night, and I will consider that for your grade.

  32. Hey Ms.Drance I am currently reading the secret life of bees. It is a good book. Even though i really do not enjoy reading. it is more in detail then the movie. The book is really about a young girl named Lily she is fourteen who lives with her abusive father. She believes their are bees in her wall swirling around and she tells her father but he does not believe her. Only her housekeeper but the housekeeper thinks she is foolish still. Lily's mother died but she thinks it is all her fault. Only because she thinks she shot her. I believe she was just day dreaming on that part. But that's all i have read so far.

  33. Destinee, I'm proud of you that you've read. Stick with it...the story becomes more suspenseful as you know. Let me know, though, if you experience this feeling of suspense as much, less, or more as a result of reading the book. Also, do the details make the story more interesting? Let me know. Thanks.

  34. EVERYONE HAS POSTED. Great. Now go back to your post and answer any questions I may have posed and/or comment to someone else's post. Next time, let's turn around the response time more quickly.

  35. I find Beatrice to be extremely similar to Katniss! They are both exceptionally brave. I learned this about Beatrice because she is divergent, and has part of the Dauntless faction in her. The Dauntless, are the brave. Furthermore, i find it very interesting that both of the girls signature hairstyle is a braid.

  36. hi Mrs.Drance, i am now reading "The Fault in Our Stars" i have only read the first three chapters. The main character Hazel Grace is a very sarcastic girl. Her mother thought she was depressed so she put Hazel in a supports group. Hazel doesnt like the idea because she thinks the leader is to enthusiastic about the group. She soon meets a boy in the support group who she seems to like. This lead to her going to his house that night for a movie. Hazel seems to like this boy and stays up all night reading a book he let her borrow just so she'd have something ele to talk to him about. i am really enjoying this book compared to "The Associate".
