Welcome to 10H!

Welcome to 10H!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

10R, It's Your Turn! Let's Talk about IR….

First assignment of the year...tell me about what you're reading.  Tell us something memorable, insightful, meaningful.  You pick.  Just INTEREST us.  Ok? This is due Monday, Sept. 30th.
I can check your posts from online, so please make sure that you've accepted the invitation to the Wiki.  If that's giving you trouble you can google: openyourmind235.  The link for my blog, Read235, will appear.  Click on that. If you don't already have a gmail account, you will have to make one.  It would be helpful to sign up for the Wikispace page first because you have to make an account in order to get on to the page…you'd be killing two birds with one stone, so the expression goes….

Here's an example that I used with my 10H class. Check out some of their responses…notice all of the details.  What does mine have?  (Hint: We talked about this rhetorical device in class today) … that's right…the rhetorical question.  You may try that out in your writing, too, if you think it appropriate.

Oh, BTW, in order to make a title italicized you type before the first word in the title and after it.  For example, The Huger Games .  It will look like this after you post: The Hunger Games. AND, please click "preview" before you publish.  "Preview" means proofread.  Remember, your comments go out into the world and you want to put your best blog post forward, so to speak….  If you publish something you'd like to remove, you may delete it.  After you publish, though, you can't go back in an edit the post.  That's why you have to preview it and proofread first.

So, here's my response:

I was thinking about The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, considering Henrietta's children's difficulties possibly stemming from the too-close to home shared gene pool.  Was Deborah bi-polar?  Skloot said that Henrietta's eldest daughter had been diagnosed as clinically depressed among other health conditions.  And, then, what about Day's sister who was sent away because of her "idiocy"? Then, their brother who had severe problems with rage....  How much of their mental and emotional challenges were due to their too-close-for-comfort genes?  Anyway, just a thought.

What are yours?

Post by Monday, September 30th.  Thanks!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Well, Where the Heck Were We?

Not gonna lie, last year was hairy.  Not literally, but hectic enough that Read235 went dormant. Sigh....  So, I invite you to come and post about your favorite reads, your least favorite reads, and those books or Nooks you can't wait to get your fingers on.

First assignment of the year...tell me how it's going.  Uh, concerning your independent reading lives.  Clue us into something memorable, a new discovery, a profound insight.  You pick.  Just INTEREST us.  Ok?

Here's an example:

I was thinking about The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, considering Henrietta's children's difficulties possibly stemming from the too-close to home shared gene pool.  Was Deborah bi-polar?  Skloot said that Henrietta's eldest daughter had been diagnosed as clinically depressed among other health conditions.  And, then, what about Day's sister who was sent away because of her "idiocy"? Then, their brother who had severe problems with rage....  How much of their mental and emotional challenges were due to their too-close-for-comfort genes?  Anyway, just a thought.

What are yours?

Post by Wednesday, September 26th.  Thanks!