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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vacation Getaway

Hi, Y'all.

I'm headed down to the South, not as far as Scout's Alabama, but South Carolina this Saturday, which will be the perfect setting to finish rereading TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. I have MANY books on my "to read" list. One of them is called LAST SHOT, by John Feinstein (an award-winning author-journalist), about two ninth grade journalists - go figure-on the March Madness basketball scene. This book might replace the DEREK JETER bio on the 10th grade summer reading list, as students have shared that they're so keen about it. In addition, I also have a stack of graphic novels that I need to dive into to prepare for a new genre study. Mr. Burgoyne, Mr. Schappert and Ms. McGrorty are helping me out with this endeavour. So, I'm busy...what will you be reading?

Drop us a line, a post, a nod.

Mrs. Drance


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mrs. Drance,

    Hey I still have a few chapters to finish up in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, I'm really glad we're reading this in class as I've never read it before. Over break I'm going to start reading the book you recommended, FROM GOOD TO GREAT. So far I'm rather enjoying his views on the path to a successful business, and how one can get over the "hump". I hope to finish this during the vacation. Then i plan on reading the James Patterson book you and Catherine asked me to read, the title is slipping from my mind right now though.

    I'm also glad that you are looking to remove the Derek Jeter biography from the required list, I feel a March Madness book wuld appeal to a larger audience. Also, I'm curious, what do you mean by new genre study?


  3. Hi Mrs. Drance! I hope that you have a nice time in South Carolina. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.

    Over spring vacation, I will read as many books as I can because I'm not really doing much this vacation. I still have to finish TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD and my independent reading book, A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS: THE REPTILE ROOM. I will continue reading on it that series once I finish those two books. In the past three days, I have finished reading TWILIGHT and NEW MOON. I'm really enjoying the saga so far and I can't wait to read ECLIPSE and BREAKING DAWN. Stephenie Meyer uses descriptive language that you can picture yourself being there with Bella and the rest of the characters. Those books are page turners and while I was reading them, I did not want to put the books down. Now I know what everyone who read it was so excited about. One of my favorite quotes from TWILIGHT was: "When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end," (Meyer 1).

    Have a nice vacation! See you on the 14th.

    - Rebecca.

  4. Hey Mrs. Drance, how's vacation? I plan to finsih TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD this break, as well as read THE YANKEE YEARS, by Joe Torre and Tom Verducci. So far, I really am enjoying it. You can really get the feeling of being a Yankee from the inside perspective. I can't wait to get a little further because I want to see what all the A-Rod controversey was all about a little while back. If I finish both of these, I will read THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, by Douglas Adams.
    Have a good one, see you soon!

  5. Hey Mrs. Drance!
    Hope your vacation is going well so far. As for the reading, I finally finished 21: BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE, by Ben Mezrich. It was one of my absolute favorite books. It's so action packed and filled with adventure. The setting, time period, and narrator change so often that it's almost impossible to get bored of the book. It's quite different from the movie 21. They have the same idea but the characters and plot are different. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone in search of a suspenseful read. After I finish TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD, by Harper Lee, I plan on starting MARY, MARY, by James Patterson.
    See you soon!

  6. Hey Mrs. Drance,
    Over the break I have finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, as well as, another novel from the GOSSIP GIRL series. I keep going back to them because I miss the show so much, and never have time to watch it, so instead I pick up my book. This has been my goal all year. To shorten my television life and expand my reading life. I plan on now starting Jodi Picoult's PACT or 19 MINUTES, which are both supposedly amazing, just like MY SISTER'S KEEPER.
    I hope you had a great break! See you soon.

  7. Hi Mrs. Drance,
    How was your vacation? I actually went to South Carolina as well to visit my grandparents. We went with some of my cousins so there were a lot of people there. Anyway, I finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD really fast because i was so interested in the story (actually before vacation started). However, I didn't get much of a chance to read while on vacation because I was so busy. I am about halfway through with SNOW IN AUGUST though. So at least that's something and I have quite a few books that I want to read after SNOW IN AUGUST. See you Tuesday!
    - Emma

  8. Sorry I meant: because I was so interested...

  9. Hi Mrs. Drance,
    I hope your vacation went well. I haven't finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD yet, but I hope to finish it tonight. Over the break I have read both from 21, by Ben Mezrich, and THE QUICKIE, by James Patterson. I have not finished either yet, but they are going well and I am about midway through each.
    See you tomorrow!

  10. Hey Mrs. Drance!
    I finished THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET in the beginning of the break, and now I'm working on TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD again. It's going a little slow, and for some reason I keep falling asleep reading it. I'm not blaming it on the book itself though, I've just had lots going on, but hey, I'm not giving up!

  11. Hi Mrs. Drance,

    I hope to hear more about your vacation tomorrow. My vacation went well; though, a little slow in spots to be perfectly honest.

    Anyway, I finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, and I finished John Grisham's THE PARTNER.

    See you tomorrow.

  12. Hey Mrs. Drance! I had a great vacation! I didn't get to read much the first half of the break because I went on the school trip to Yosemite. The park was beautiful and I had an amazing time. When I got back, I finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. I also read a good chunk of SHADOW KISSED, my independent reading book. SHADOW KISSED is the third book in the VAMPIRE ACADEMY SERIES. I am enjoying the books so far. They keep me interested, but they are nothing like TWILIGHT. See you tomorrow!

  13. Mrs Drance-

    My vacation was weird. It wasn't good or bad, just weird as hell. I guess that's just life. Or maybe I'm weird. I finished Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut and I liked it because Vonnegut's odd sense of humor is interesting. Now I'm reading Portnoy's Complaint by someone whose name I can't remember. Either it's a weird story or I'm just weirded out too easily. Maybe I just have a wide spectrum of what I'd consider weird. Or it's probably because I tend to do things in excess. It's more than likely just because I'm weird. Who knows?


  14. Hello Mrs. Drance and fellow classmates,
    Reading To Kill a Mockingbird over the vacation marked the second time that I have read that book. It is an amazing story and I am happy that I was able to read it again. I feel that the story was even better the second time around because this time I have matured in such a way that allowed me to look deeper into what the author was saying. The next book that I plan to read is entitled Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher. According to the summary on the back of the book, it is a story of acceptance and kids trying to fit into a place that has no place for them.

  15. Hey everyone sorry for posting so late,
    over the break I finished To Kill a Mockingbird. It was the second time I read it and I have to say I enjoyed it much more. I felt I had a better understanding of the novel this time around. I also felt I could relate to the characters more than I could when I was in eighth grade. Also I read most of Nineteen Minutes, I didn't get to finish it yet but so far it is a great book.

  16. Hello Mrs. Drance,
    I was so happy I had time to finish To Kill a Mockingbird during the vacation. However, it did not draw my interest until part 2 when all the suspense started to kick in. The ending was a complete surprise, for me at least and I would really like to watch the movie when I have free time to compare the two. The next book I plan to read is The Hands of My Father. This is a book surrounded by deafness and was recommended to me by my ASL2 teacher. I can't wait to get it from the library and start reading it. See ya!

  17. Hey!
    TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD was great! I see why it's your favorite. I have been getting sick of James Patterson, not because he is a bad writer or anything, I am just starting to find the feeling of suspense he provokes in readers to be over-used, and cliche. I have this problem frequently, actually, which is why I genre-hop...that's my new term LOL. Today in class you gave me EGGS, by Jerry Spinelli, and I'm already DONE! It wasn't the longest book, but hey, a book is a book. It was a refresher, a good break from Patterson and all the suspense. I recommend it. See you in class tomorrow! Well, today actually, since it's midnight..oops=x

  18. Hi Mrs. Drance,

    I hope your vacation was great. I know I enjoyed mine; a trip to Yosemite National Park, relaxing for a few days, and getting some good reading all along.

    As I shared in class, I'm currently reading my way through the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I've finished four of the books already, which leaves more than twenty to go... this is going to take me a while.

    I enjoy Pratchett's books mostly because of the dry witticism and the interesting perspective on life (he is British, after all). In fact, his writing reminds me somewhat of Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Trilogy that, coincidentally, had more than three books. I don't know which I prefer yet: I feel that to get a better understanding I need to continue along the series a bit further. One huge difference between Pratchett and Adams is that Pratchett's books really don't have much to do with each other save for a few recurring characters, who usually get their own book, then appear from time to time in the background of others.

    Well, that's waaaaay more than I meant to write, but I'm sure you won't mind, Mrs. Drance, since you're always trying to get me to expand my writing anyway. See you in school.

  19. Hey Mrs. Drance,
    Sorry for posting so late. My vacation was very relaxing, I went to Florida, so I grabbed my book while sitting poolside. I finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and am about halfway through THE RED TENT. For some reason it's not really catching my interest yet, but I consider it a challenge book and I'll get through it. It's kinda funny, we were visiting my grandparents and my Nona loved THE RED TENT, as did my mom. So if I enjoy it, that's three generations that love the book, it's intresting to think about that way. Well, I'll see you tomorrow!

  20. Hi Mrs.Drance im reading OUT OF THE SILENT PLANET by C.S. Lewis . Im not really sure if I like the book yet. It is about a doctor that gets sent to another planet by an evil man, just as it sounds the book is very far fetched and is my main con against it. I Have tried to read another book by C.S. Lewis and i really didnt enjoy it so I quit on it, so lets just hope this new book is not a bust too.
