Welcome to 10H!

Welcome to 10H!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Let's Talk about Our IR Books

So, we've made it.  One week down.  Exhausted?  I am. But, I'm happy to be back. 

For this thread, please think about the characters in your IR book.  Who stands out?  Why do you feel connected to him, her, it (for you sci-fi lovers)? 

In SKIM, the graphic novel I'm reading, the title character reminds me of the teenage angst I felt during high school.  Actually, my high school experience was pretty wonderful. More angst  - continual angst - actually happened later, in college, which contradicts the "American experience."  However, I'm glad that's over!  This is not to say that I don't have pull-the-comforter-over-my-head days, days when my limbs are so heavy, my head and heart achy, well, you know the rest....

Anyway, the intensity of Skim's pain makes me breathe more deeply to rinse her sadness from my soul... from the reminder of how tough growing up can be.  Skim, though, reminds me to be more understanding and patient of those with a tsumami overhead. 

O.k., enough bleakness for now.

Please post by Monday, September 20th.

And, remember to post a profile picture if haven't already done so.

Thanks, pumpkins.

Enjoy your weekend.

Ms. D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Are You Ready for the 10X Challenge...?

... of course you are!

First things first...please create an account and post a profile picture.
It does NOT have to be of you, but it has to represent you (i.e.
if you LOVE the beach, you could post a picture of the coastline,
waves, etc.).  You can, of course put up your mugshot...WAIT...did
I say THAT? Seriously, put up a picture of yourself if you like.

You will be prompted to create an account if you don't have one
once you respond to this thread and it will ask you to login or register.
If you're having any problems, you can email me at ldrance@babylonufsd.org,
and I can try to help you figure it out.  If we're unsuccessful this way, come
see me and we can work it out together on the computer.

O.k., so sign up by Monday, September 13th.

Say "hello" on the blog, i.e. ("that is") TELL US WHAT YOU'RE
GOING TO READ - your independent book and on-deck book,
and post a profile "pix" by Monday.

Be sure to use the guidelines of last year's 10X thread that we
reviewed in class.

Enjoy the long weekend.


Mrs. Drance